3 ways to stop being a slave to your thoughts

3 min readNov 18, 2020
A collage of colourful posters stuck on a brick wall.
Etienne Godiard — Unsplash.com

1. Quit spending time doing tedious tasks

No one wants a monotonous life in which they constantly do the same things just out of routine and habit. A daily routine is great until it becomes a rehearsed chore. One that your body subconsciously does while your mind wanders off racking through the pillars of disposition on why there isn’t any adventure in your life.

To avoid this spice up your day by doing something you have always wanted to do but never did. Try out a new café, call up a friend you haven’t seen in a while, go on a hike, do anything you like so long as you aren’t bored out of your mind.

Doing tedious tasks leads to boredom, which then leads to thinking about everyone else’s success thus making you overlook your own achievements.

This type of thinking can be very frustrating and emotionally draining. Finding new things to do will not only boost your mood but also bring you opportunities you would not have otherwise had.

A girl with bleeding eyes next to a bubble which writes, “We are slaves to the machines we build for oursleves ”
Liv Hema — Unsplash.com

2. Understand that social media is not a depiction of reality

It is easy to get caught up on what everyone else’s doing through an image or a video you see on social media. You witness all these influencers living a life you could only dream of and wonder “what am I doing wrong?”.

Understand that social media is not a depiction of reality. There are a thousand flaws behind that image or video that is purposely concealed to make it look like a dream. These types of media are specifically constructed and composed to make you see the content only through the light that the composer wants.

Constantly comparing your life to the one you see on social media is detrimental to your mental health. It not only strains your mind and body, but it also leads to setbacks in your successes. Perceiving these posts as reality will take away your power to live your life to the fullest and stress-free.

Take back your power, free the leash of thought.

3. Find new adventures

Staying at home with the same people all the time is comforting however, it will lead to anxiety when you do leave the house. Once that comfort box is made your thoughts will create a million and 10 reasons why you should not leave your house.

To combat this fear and anxiety go somewhere new every day or even once a week. Find new friends utilising networking sites and safely meet up with them. You will be surprised at the adventures that will come your way.

Train your brain to break the chain of unnecessary thoughts and save your energy for the journey instead.

