6 keys to achieve a successful life

4 min readDec 15, 2020

We all want to be successful. Whether that be measured by money and materialistic items or peace and comfort. However, sometimes it is easy to get caught up by distractions created by society leading you away from internal and external riches. As you read on one notion will become highly evident,

“To any action, there is always an opposite and equal reaction”- Sir Isaac Newton

A universal law that will forever remain true is the law of attraction. Think positively and it will fruition into reality OR think negatively and reap the consequences. It is hard to master the art of controlling one’s emotions and thoughts. Though once this is done it will be the machine that will drive your success.

Have you ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? Well, this is the same when it comes to our thoughts, you LITERALLY become what you think. Below are six steps listed to guide you in embracing the future YOU want and DESERVE.

  1. Set a definite goal

In order to know which direction to go, you must first decide the destination you want to reach. The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/reasonable, and Timely) goal setting method is a perfect template when developing and writing down what you want to achieve. Goals are best set when split into two groups, short-term and long-term. Set a couple of SMART long-term goals and then other short-term goals that will help you attain your dreams. By setting specific and definite goals you are more inclined to accomplish them. You will also find yourself having a sense of achievement and pride thus raising your self-confidence.

2. Quit running yourself down

Yes, working hard and constantly towards your goals and dreams IS desirable however be cautious. Make time to rejuvenate; to give yourself a break physically and mentally so that you are not overwhelmed by tasks. This is extremely imperative in ensuring your goals are achieved to their maximum potential to boost your success. When your mind is free from unnecessary thoughts and relaxed it will further benefit your abilities/skills. If you take on more than you can handle it can be easier to give up or think of the worst possible outcomes. Remember: you are a sum total of what you think and do.

3. Stop thinking of all the reasons you cannot be successful

If you are overwhelmed by certain tasks or activities, or if you are constantly doubting and criticising yourself you will never succeed. Learn the art of fake it till you make it. No one started as a champion, no one started as a billionaire and most people did not even start with confidence. All these aspects were developed and accomplished through countless failures and lessons. The only way you will not be successful is if you quit, that is all. Understand that all our goals and desires are achieved through persistence, belief, and acceptance of the lessons learned throughout the journey.

4. If you can, discover who initiated the idea that you could not be successful

The people surrounding us have a significant influence on who we are and what we think. As humans, it is normal to adopt the beliefs and values of those whom we love, trust, and care for either consciously or subconsciously. Although most of your friends and family do not want the worst for you, it is important to take a step back and critically analyse where YOU stand and where THEY stand. Try to identify why you have this perception of yourself and if anyone is instigating these thoughts into your mind. At the end of the day, we are our own person, and we must do what is best for OUR future.

5. Change your perception of self

If you have a negative self-image then it can be really hard to make advancements, because you will always have a reason to dislike yourself or your work. Change this by writing a description of who you want to be. To ensure that these are achievable use the SMART technique. Changing your perception of self will assist with all the other keys to have the life you dream of.

6. Act and IMITATE!

Once you have written a description of the ideal person you want to be, go ahead and act like you are that person. Like I previously said fake it till you make it. In time you will be so accustomed to your new, GREATER self all else will seem different and unusual.

Throughout this journey always keep in mind that life is like a roller coaster. There will be ups and downs, and sometimes you will be knocked off your feet, but at the end of the ride, you will feel exhilarated. Just like blessings do not remain forever, hardships do not either. At every point, you have the option to reactive positively or negatively. Whichever option you choose will determine your future, so choose wisely.

